The concept of a Memory Café got started in the Netherlands in the late 1990’s. However they really started popping up all across the U.K. after the turn of the century.

A Memory Café is a social gathering of those living with dementia. Unlike a support group where you talk and vent about the disease, this is a place for a time out. If you want to talk about the symptoms you’re enduring, that’s fine too.

Here on Dementia Mentors we’re taking this a step further. We’re going to let you attend a Memory Café right from the comfort of your living room. All you will need is a computer with a webcam.

Dementia Mentors is currently hosting 46 gatherings per month at different times a day to compensate the different time zones since we are so international.

Our goal is to keep you socially active and support you. This is one of the most important ways to keep you symptoms of dementia at bay.

If you're living with dementia and would love to join our Virtual Memory Cafe, please click the Dementia Mentors Registration button below and fill in the registration form. Thank you and we would love to have you with us,

The Dementia Mentors' Team